
July 17, 2024
Family Research Council Action PAC endorses Jeff Kahrs for Congress
TOPEKA - (July 17, 2024) - The Family Research Council Action PAC, an advocacy group committed to mobilizing values owners on behalf of faith, family, and freedom, announced it is endorsing Jeff Kahrs for Congress.
Kahrs said he prizes the organization's endorsement, because he believes successful families are the key to building a culture that values faith and honors God.
In an endorsement letter to Kahrs and signed by FRC Action PAC Chair Tony Perkins and FRC Action PAC Jody Hite, the organization notes Kahrs' lifetime of work on behalf of family values.
"Your experience will allow you to make an impact in Congress on day one. Your commitment to our shared values means you will speak up on behalf of the unborn, strong families, and religious freedom. You are the type of leader our country desperately needs," the letter reads.

June 24, 2024
Kansans for Life endorses Jeff Kahrs for Congress
TOPEKA - (June 25, 2024) - Kansans for Life PAC, a nonprofit advocacy and educational organization dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all innocent human life from the moment of conception to natural death, announced it is endorsing Jeff Kahrs for Congress.
A staunch pro-life advocate, Kahrs said he prizes the organization's endorsement, because he is committed to defending the unborn and protecting mothers
Having the endorsement of Kansas for Life shows the people of faith believe in me. We must send someone to Congress that will not just vote right, but who will be a fighter for the lives of the unborn. I will seek to end all funding to the agencies that provide abortions and instead will help in providing resources to the vulnerable women in need.”

June 24, 2024
Conservative giants, former comms director for President Trump endorse Kahrs
TOPEKA - (June 24, 2024) -
Matt and Mercedes Schlapp are endorsing Jeff Kahrs for Congress. Matt is the chair of CPAC, and Mercedes is the former director of strategic communications for President Trump.
“Jeff Kahrs is exactly what Washington needs – a rock-ribbed conservative who will be relentless in pursuit of what is right for Kansas and the country. Mercedes and I have worked in the trenches alongside Jeff for more than two decades. We know Jeff will be a strong partner for President Trump and a tested advocate for the President’s America First agenda. We urge Kansans to vote for Jeff Kahrs,” Matt Schlapp said.
The Republican power couple has worked for decades to advance conservative policies.

June 11, 2024
Former KS Congressmen endorse
Jeff Kahrs for Congress
TOPEKA - (June 11, 2024) - Two former Congressmen who represented Kansas announced today that they are endorsing Jeff Kahrs for Congress. Their wives joined them in the endorsements.
Former Congressman Jim Ryun represented Kansas’s Second Congressional District in Congress from 1997 to 2007. Former Congressman Todd Tiahrt represented parts of the current Second District when he served in Congress from 1995 - 2011.

May 30, 2024
Kahrs releases statement on Trump conviction
TOPEKA - (May 30, 2024) - In response to a New York Court finding President Trump guilty, Jeff Kahrs, candidate for Congress and former Trump appointee, issued the following statement:
"This is a war on democracy. It’s lawlessness meted out by a kangaroo court. President Biden should be ashamed. Third world dictators prosecute their political opponents, not American Presidents. This strengthens my resolve to ensure President Trump is re-elected so we can restore American’s faith in our legal system," Jeff Kahrs said.

May 22, 2024
Ambassador Brownback endorses Jeff Kahrs for Congress
Former Kansas Governor and former U.S. Ambassador at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback today announced he is endorsing Jeff Kahrs for Congress.
“I am honored to endorse Jeff Kahrs for United States Congress. Jeff was a trusted and valuable member of my administration and worked hard to protect vulnerable Kansans. I am confident he will be a strong representative for the Second District and conservative Kansas values,” Brownback said.
Kahrs is the only conservative in the race for Congress in the Kansas Second Congressional District. Both Kahrs and Brownback served under the Trump administration.
“Ambassador Brownback is a man of faith and conviction. He is a stalwart conservative, and he knows we must send to Congress, especially in the seat he once held, someone who has the courage to fight for our Christian values. I am proud to be supported by leading Republicans across the district, state, and nation,” Kahrs said.

April 26, 2024
Campaign issues statement on Schmidt entering race
Upon learning Derek Schmidt will jump in the race for U.S. Congress, Rob Fillion, campaign manager for Jeff Kahrs, issued the following statement:
"Derek Schmidt is nothing more than a timid career politician who has failed conservatives at every turn during his time in the state legislature and as Attorney General of Kansas. Our nation can't afford another rubber stamp for the D.C. Establishment. Jeff Kahrs will refuse to compromise on our conservative values and is the only candidate in this race who has a proven record of working with President Trump to put America first."
April 25, 2024
Trump appointee announces run for Congress in Kansas
Former President Trump-appointee Jeff Kahrs today announced he will seek the Republican nomination for U.S. Congress in Kansas's second congressional district.
"I want my children to inherit the same free and prosperous country that my parents left to my generation, but we have work to do to make that a reality. Our nation is in peril. We have an open border, staggering debt, runaway inflation and a culture that celebrates sexual deviance and destruction of the family. We need a Congressman who will love their neighbors enough to take the tough votes necessary to protect the future of Kansas and our nation. That's why I'm running for Congress," Jeff Kahrs said.